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Leverage Browser Caching to Speed Up Your Site

Browser cacheHow to Fix Leverage Browser Caching - WordPress Solutions

Problem: You are worried about site speed and you want to optimize wordpress load time by browser cache.

If you need to know how to enable browser caching in WordPress there are number of methods you can use. First, what does it mean and why is it a good idea to leverage your browser's caching?  In order to save loading time for your web pages, static elements can be stored in the user's browser for re-use. You can specify how long web browsers should keep images, CSS and JS stored locally.

Leverage browser caching - js and css files can be larger than many well optimized images and may be called by every page of your site - you can set a long expiry time for these - even as much a a year. They may even be stored externally.

Other external files may be fonts or images stored on a CDN

The simplest way to implement this is  to use..

Browser Caching WordPress Plugins

Here are two popular caching plugins

Leverage browser caching wordpress W3 total cache

Pros and Cons and settings can be found at Onlinemediamasters in their tutorial

Leverage browser caching Wp super cache

Pros and Cons and how to set it up can be found at wpbeginner's guide.

Some wordpress.ord plugins

A fairly new plugin: Leverage Browser Caching  - Free

Older not recently updated -  Browser Caching with .htaccess

Other Methods

Leverage browser caching htaccess

This can be done yourself if you are comfortable using code

WordPress htaccess code can be found in some of the links below

Useful links to pages that discuss in detail:

Kinsta has an in depth tutorial 2017

Winninwp - article 2017

Siteground - Knowledge base has the code

Technumero - article with or without a plugin and which plugin to use

Yoast - Article on how to do it Yourself

There is also a complete file example at Crunchify -  in their article

If you want to be a leverage browser caching ninja, read it up and use one of these solutions.



